Why preschool ministry? Preschool Ministry at ORBC works to reveal the unexpected beauty of a life committed to Christ as we care for your little one(s) and as we get to know you as the parent/caregiver. More than babysitting during the worship services, we want to teach about the One who is worthy of worship! We use group teaching, songs, and fun activities to engage children while they are with us in ORBC Preschool.
What do we teach in Preschool at ORBC? Preschool emphasizes the "story" of the Bible (40 major stories), Kids emphasize "doctrine" (truth we believe), and Students emphasize "formation" (doctrine applied and practiced). While story-doctrine-formation happen throughout all ministries, ORBC Preschool puts an emphasis on the story of the Bible because of the developmental stage of babies through Kindergarten. Specifically in Preschool, we teach through the entire Bible each year while emphasizing 6 gospel truths (God Made Everything, Jesus Came to Save Sinners, God Wants to Talk with Us, God is Good, The Church is God's Family, God is in Charge of Everything). Knowing the timeline of the Bible will lay the foundation for future conversations about doctrine and formation as our preschoolers grow.
Want to know more? Email the Family Discipleship Team.
Welcome to ORBC! We are happy to host and have you on campus! Here is some helpful info for your first visit:
You can use the button below to create a family profile of all who will be attending. This will help print name tags at the check-in stations.
Drop off is 15 minutes before a service time. Pickup is directly following the service/programming.
Hold on to the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your kid(s) after the service.
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ”
Join Us During The Week
Sunday School (Sundays, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM)
1st Worship Service (Sundays, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM)
2nd Worship Service (Sundays, 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM)